Sandy Eisenberg Sasso – The Speaker
The spiritual life begins in encounters, but those experiences are often difficult to translate into words. The closest we can get to the actual transforming event is in story. From high school through college, Sasso became interested in Hasidic tales. They expressed in few words powerful insights into the human condition. They spoke not only to the intellect but to the heart. They challenged conventional ways of thinking and helped to reimagine the world. Gertrude Stein wrote; “a writer should write with his eyes and a painter paint with his ears.” A speaker should speak from the stories that reside in the heart.
From the time she began rabbinical school in 1969, Sandy Sasso was sought out as a speaker. Over the years she has been called to address small retreats and workshops as well as keynote large conventions.
She has spoken internationally, presented at schools, and headlined national conventions. She was the Commencement Speaker at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Sasso was also the Keynote Speaker at the First International Conference on the Spiritual Life of Children in West Sussex, England, and has addressed the Association for Presbyterian Church Educators, Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, National Unitarian/Universalist Conference, and United Methodist Quadrennial Conference.
She has brought her stories and insights into the spiritual life of children to synagogues and churches around the country—presenting at The American Academy for Religion, Faith, and Writing Conference at Calvin College; Chautauqua Institution’s Spirituality and Healing Conference; and at the Church and Synagogue Library Association.